Selective Time Blocking Tip

“What would be the use of Immortality to the person who cannot use well a half hour?” – Ralph Waldo Emerson It is NOT always possible to set up Time Blocking for the same time in your schedule, whether it be daily, weekly or monthly.  So here is an...

Leadership – Do YOU have it?

“You will never be a leader unless you first learn to be led” – Philospher, Tiorio He is not talking about being blind sheep.  He is talking about your ability to be coachable, have a mentor or follow a system of success.  Imitate and mimic others...

SILVAKA – Rise to the Challenge!!

In the Disney movie, Avatar; the Na’vi native people of Pandora have a saying, “Silvaka”!  It means RISE TO THE CHALLENGE! What can you do today to help you RISE to the challenges of tomorrow?  What can you do to PLAN for living a life by design? ...

Do YOU bring Enthusiasm to your day?

From Page 89 or our Book – Coaching Session Bonus – Enthusiasm!! Enthusiasm is rooted in the Greek En + Theos meaning In God.  In French the word is “Enthusaizein” meaning inspired.  Enthusiasm emanates like a tuning fork, we can pass it on to...