Greatness & Success – What is it Really??

Have you ever wondered why so few people ever achieve Greatness and Success?  It is because the very definition of Greatness and Success is propagandized by the media, social media and society as a whole. The Super Star Athlete, the famous Hollywood Actor/Actress, the...

Change is Inevitable – Control it

“You are what you are and you are where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You change what you are and you change where you are by changing what goes into your mind.” – Zig Ziglar Life move slow sometimes and other times it moves like the speed of...

Spring Brings Renewal

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” – Audrey Hepburn Planting your seeds for success are in truth for any season, but it is the warmth and renewal of Spring that bring us joy, strength and endurance to do the things necessary to grow and...

Adjusting to Life’s Ups and Downs

Knowing that life is never a smooth road but a series of changes will help you adjust to all the ups and downs you’ll face along the way.  I like to compare the way you handle life’s changes to a Skier who going is facing an challenging path of moguls. ...

Fall Back – and We’re Back

With summer ending and fall beginning, we are back to add some Inspiration, Motivation, Education and hopefully some wisdom you can use. Look for our Blog Updates about every other week. “Strong Minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss events, Weak minds...