SILVAKA – Rise to the Challenge!!

In the Disney movie, Avatar; the Na’vi native people of Pandora have a saying, “Silvaka”!  It means RISE TO THE CHALLENGE! What can you do today to help you RISE to the challenges of tomorrow?  What can you do to PLAN for living a life by design? ...

Do YOU bring Enthusiasm to your day?

From Page 89 or our Book – Coaching Session Bonus – Enthusiasm!! Enthusiasm is rooted in the Greek En + Theos meaning In God.  In French the word is “Enthusaizein” meaning inspired.  Enthusiasm emanates like a tuning fork, we can pass it on to...

Time Management helps Financial Management

“Financial aptitude is what you do with money once you make it, how you keep people from taking it from you, how to keep it longer, and how you make money work hard for you.” – Rich Dad, Poor Dad Book Using the tips in our Best Time Management Guide,...

Page 91 – Focus (Coaching Session)

We’ve all heard the stat, 80% of the business is done by the Top 20% of the people.  From our coaching session on Focus, we find that staying focused on task is one of the BIGGEST differences between the average person and the Top 20% of successful achievers. To...

July 4th Weekend – Independence Day

As we roll into the celebration of the Birth of our Nation, we must think of American Freedom and Independence, not as a right to do as we please, but as freedom to take the opportunity to do what is right!!! “I like to see a man proud of the place in which he...

Health is Wealth

“If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” – George Burns What is it going to cost you, physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually if you don’t start looking at your daily habits and time...