With summer ending and fall beginning, we are back to add some Inspiration, Motivation, Education and hopefully some wisdom you can use. Look for our Blog Updates about every other week.

“Strong Minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss events, Weak minds discuss people.” – Socrates

Let’s all try to move into the Fall and Winter seasons of 2022 by working on and discussing ideas.  Ideas that will help your career in the upcoming year!  Ideas that will help you focus on Balance in your life!  Ideas that will keep your goals and objectives in the forefront of your daily activities.

Quick Tip Idea – from our Habit Stacking suggestions in the back of our book.  Listen to Podcasts on your business/career while in the shower or while getting dressed in the morning to start your day off with some positive ideas.  Here is a Pod Cast Suggesstion – Strive for 5, Leaders with 5 Star Service.  Search on Apple Podcast App –  Episode 7 is now available – you’ll love it.