As part of a presentation today, we discussed “The Force” from the Star Wars Series and how it could be used in business and sales and everyday life.  Of course the listeners were skeptical and here is what I told them: “If you don’t believe the force is real, if you think it is only a product of the movies, then you really don’t understand the power of Visualization, Affirmation, Prayer/Meditation, or the strength of Goal Setting”.

You see – the force may not lift a The Millennial Falcon out of a Swamp in real life, but it can lift your life, career and financial well being when applied consistently and believably.  Visualization is as old as the Bible (As you believe, so be it unto thee) and affirmations have been a strong product of self help development for years (Garbage in, Garbage Out is the computer rule and your brain is a computer, so input positive stuff with self talk for positive results).

“What ever kind word thou speaketh, the like shall thou hear!” – Greek Proverb (Pg 16 in our Book)

So know and understand that there IS A FORCE.  It may not be exactly like Star Wars, but it exists and YOU can use it to your advantage.  “Believe Luke! “