“What would be the use of Immortality to the person who cannot use well a half hour?” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is NOT always possible to set up Time Blocking for the same time in your schedule, whether it be daily, weekly or monthly.  So here is an idea to help you time block with flexibility.  Pull up your Calendar and choose an early morning time, i.e. 8:00 am and post your task and make it recurring so that it fills out your calendar for however long you desire (month – 90 days – 6 months).  Enter your task and then every time it pops up for you in the morning, you block it into whatever time that day works for your schedule.

Here is my personal example – I want to ride my stationary bike a half hour 3 times per week.  So I’ll set my Calendar up with a simple word (BIKE) and set it as recurring every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 am as a reminder.  Then each morning when I pull up my schedule, I’ll figure out what my best time frame is that day and block out that half hour for riding.  So I could ride at 11:30 on Monday, 5:00pm on Wednesday and 8:30 Friday morning, but I will always be able to get my 30 minute bike time in my schedule.  Healthy habits, business planning, sales prospecting – this is a great way to Time Block and not run into scheduling conflicts.

I hope you can utilize this idea to your benefit.